Η κατασκευή του ‘άλλου’ στην ελληνική ειδησεογραφία: υπονομευτικές κατηγοριοποιήσεις και πολιτικές ταυτότητες

Ντενίζ Σαρρή-Χασάν, Ζωή Νιάκου, Μαριάνθη Γεωργαλίδου


The present study examines derogatory categorizations in the reproduction of news stories in the Greek media. Within a Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough 1995, 1998, Van Dijk 1998, 2001) and a Member Categorization Analysis (Sacks 1972, 1992, Μακρή-Τσιλιπάκου 2012) framework, we analyze the construction of derogatory/sexist identities for persons referred to as deviating mainstream gender/civil stereotypes. We also analyze the narrative organization of the texts in question. We conclude that media sites instrumentalize derogatory/sexist discourses -or resistance to them- to contribute to the reproduction of contrastive ideologies over matters of delinquency / compliancy and to the ideological/political polarization of the readership.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

Media discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, sexist discourse, membership categorization (MCD)

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3747

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